Charles Hard Townes

Born: 28 July 1915, Greenville, South Carolina, United States.
Studied: Engineering at the Stuttgart polytechnic institute.


A laser produces a very narrow beam of light that is useful in many technologies and instruments. The letters in the word laser stand for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.LASER is used in welding, cutting, sensing, holography, communication, computing, spectroscopy, etc.


A maser( Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a device that produces coherent electromagnetic waves through amplification by stimulated emission.MASER is used in atomic clocks, spacecraft communication system, very low noise microwave amplifiers, satellite communication, radar technology, etc.

Death:- 27 January 2015, Oakland, California, United States.

Awards:- Nobel Prize, Templeton Prize,27 honorary degrees from various universities.